Question : I’m a student studying in china and on the last day of my exam I got informed that my grandfather is serious and he is in ICU so I urgently booked the ticket and reached India and till then my parents are saying that he is fine but when I reached home he was no more it was 4th day. I just wanted to see him last time I love my grandfather and I always told my parents if anything happens just tell me but they said I had my exam they are also right but just now I can’t accept he is dead I can’t cry. Teentalker
Dear Teentalker,
Thanks for reaching out.
I felt so sad after reading your issue, I can imagine the pain you are going through. Our grandparents hold a very special place in our lives. Losing a grandparent can be really painful because we can draw a lot of love and support from them, sometimes even without realizing it. It sounds like your grandpa’s loss has hit you really hard and the reason you feel stuck getting through it.
Here are a few things to keep in mind: There is no one timeline for processing death, and it is perfectly normal to be experiencing upsetting emotions after your Grandpa passed away. You are absolutely entitled to your intense feelings of grief, and so is your family. If you do not want to display your grief in front of them, create a special private ritual where you can express your sadness.
Some people create small shrines for the person who died, with photos, flowers, and other little memory trinkets. You could visit this space as often as you need. Lastly, I want to reassure you that everything you are feeling is completely normal! There is no one way to mourn the loss of a loved person, and there is no time limit. It can take months or years, and we often do not “get over” or “move on” from their loss, but we learn to cope with the feelings and life without them in it