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It is difficult to battle depression alone and have nobody supporting you through this period. But thinking of a situation where you are a caregiver to someone diagnosed with depression is also a difficult spot to be in. 

Following are the few things that make it easier for you to deal with situations as a caregiver to individuals with depression:

  • Understand that depression is not created by the individual who has it, but a state in which they are involuntarily involved.
  •  One could absolutely have everything that anyone desires in their life, and still be depressed.
  •  Always ask them how they’re doing and set some time aside from your work or chores for them, bond and connect to them emotionally.
  • Never try to undermine the causes of their depression, what seems simple to you may have a complex and long-lasting impact on someone else.
  • Understand their emotional needs and honor them.
  • Be their comfort zone when they are not in a comfortable spot in life, offer a nonjudgmental environment to them.
  • Sit and listen to them, they’re not asking for solutions, or are they complaining. They just wish to vent most of the time, so be a patient listener.

You may feel overwhelmed as a caregiver and question your ability as a caregiver or wonder if you went wrong somewhere. In moments like these, take a deep breath and affirm yourself that you are doing everything in your power to help our loved ones. Always help them rationalize situations that they are overthinking about and help them see the reality. Remember that you are their lifeboat that needs to roll down after a distress call, you cannot undo the damage caused by the waves but help them to stay afloat and reach the shore safely. 

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